Urufu Waterfall

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Urufu Waterfall
Behind the crystal clear waterfall lies the wolf demon's pack ruled by Kouga himself. The pack is very protective of each other and weary of others whom dare to step foot on their territory. They'll defend each other until the last one dies. You better just hope that Kouga isn't around. Unlike other demons, the wolf pack challenges each other for dominance, that is until the true Daiyokai of the wolves appears once more.
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Welcome to Inuyasha RPG
Tsuki: I wish it was still alive May 15, 2015 11:43:36 GMT -6
Tsuki: This is loveluy May 15, 2015 11:43:29 GMT -6
fiannaevermore: Is this site not running anymore? Jan 4, 2014 16:23:38 GMT -6
Miss Lindsey ^^: O.O i feel so awfull, neglecting my duties Sept 28, 2013 22:58:12 GMT -6
John: Also, am back from summer activites, so activity's going back up. C: Aug 9, 2013 17:24:04 GMT -6
John: WE'RE FINALLY OUT OF MAINTENENCE MODE <3 Aug 9, 2013 17:23:48 GMT -6
Miss Lindsey ^^: Plus im think imma limit the amount of powerfull demons we have untill we get more members, so people better snatch them up while they can Jul 8, 2013 13:30:38 GMT -6
Miss Lindsey ^^: Well we are back up and running, let me know who is still in and everything, plus the plot needs redone. Jul 8, 2013 13:27:19 GMT -6
John: *flop* May 29, 2013 17:20:41 GMT -6
Miss Lindsey ^^: Mehhhhhh.... May 21, 2013 19:07:00 GMT -6
Jack Carver: Pushed enter too early lol May 21, 2013 0:02:26 GMT -6
Jack Carver: *PM's you got that could use some reading May 21, 2013 0:02:19 GMT -6
Jack Carver: Ya know Linds whenever you get this there are some PM May 21, 2013 0:02:05 GMT -6
John: (:)) May 20, 2013 21:33:54 GMT -6
John: Finally got my charrie up~ May 20, 2013 20:24:38 GMT -6
Miss Lindsey ^^: Yup ^^ May 20, 2013 19:21:01 GMT -6
Miss Lindsey ^^: Lol you can if you want to Kane ^^ May 20, 2013 14:44:24 GMT -6
Kane: did u guys want me to join in on that RP? May 20, 2013 12:17:48 GMT -6
Phyrexian: posted May 19, 2013 21:16:54 GMT -6
Phyrexian: lol, you think? May 19, 2013 21:02:37 GMT -6
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