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Welcome to Inuyasha RPG
Tsuki: I wish it was still alive May 15, 2015 11:43:36 GMT -6
Tsuki: This is loveluy May 15, 2015 11:43:29 GMT -6
fiannaevermore: Is this site not running anymore? Jan 4, 2014 16:23:38 GMT -6
Miss Lindsey ^^: O.O i feel so awfull, neglecting my duties Sept 28, 2013 22:58:12 GMT -6
John: Also, am back from summer activites, so activity's going back up. C: Aug 9, 2013 17:24:04 GMT -6
John: WE'RE FINALLY OUT OF MAINTENENCE MODE <3 Aug 9, 2013 17:23:48 GMT -6
Miss Lindsey ^^: Plus im think imma limit the amount of powerfull demons we have untill we get more members, so people better snatch them up while they can Jul 8, 2013 13:30:38 GMT -6
Miss Lindsey ^^: Well we are back up and running, let me know who is still in and everything, plus the plot needs redone. Jul 8, 2013 13:27:19 GMT -6
John: *flop* May 29, 2013 17:20:41 GMT -6
Miss Lindsey ^^: Mehhhhhh.... May 21, 2013 19:07:00 GMT -6
Jack Carver: Pushed enter too early lol May 21, 2013 0:02:26 GMT -6
Jack Carver: *PM's you got that could use some reading May 21, 2013 0:02:19 GMT -6
Jack Carver: Ya know Linds whenever you get this there are some PM May 21, 2013 0:02:05 GMT -6
John: (:)) May 20, 2013 21:33:54 GMT -6
John: Finally got my charrie up~ May 20, 2013 20:24:38 GMT -6
Miss Lindsey ^^: Yup ^^ May 20, 2013 19:21:01 GMT -6
Miss Lindsey ^^: Lol you can if you want to Kane ^^ May 20, 2013 14:44:24 GMT -6
Kane: did u guys want me to join in on that RP? May 20, 2013 12:17:48 GMT -6
Phyrexian: posted May 19, 2013 21:16:54 GMT -6
Phyrexian: lol, you think? May 19, 2013 21:02:37 GMT -6
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